Today's everywhere almost all persons used internet banking. They use internet banking for any work like fund transfer, shopping, payments etc. And internet banking is very useful for us. We pay quick without any problem. But we ignore the safety when use internet banking due to this sometimes people lost their money by hackers or by other sources . Here i give you some tips for use internet banking safely andsave your money form hackers . * If you use net banking, do not share your password regularly changing with anyone and save password offline instead of online. * Avoid using Net banking on a public computer. If you have to do this, then do not forget to delete cache, browsing history and tempory files from the computer. Also do not click on the reminder ID and password in any browser during login. * The Bank's never ask for your ATM pin's, birth date, such as confidentia...
Obesity is not a disease but rather is a physical condition that calls many disease. Due to obesity it increases risk of diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis etc. Regular excercise and eating habits do not make any difference on obesity, it is called unhealthy obesity. It is not only in the body but also in the body too much fat is collected. Bariatric surgery help get rid of such unhealthy obesity. Well all the option to remove obesity have failed, bariatric surgery results in encouraging results. * BARIATRIC SURGERY :- After bariatric surgery obesity related diseases such as diabetes, snoring problem, thyroid problem, joint pain, high blood pressure, excretion etc problems almost exhausted. Due to obesity therisk of the above health problem increases. people suffering from such problem take more medicine than food. Also people can not get from such things. Obesity increases the abilityof physical work decrea...